Five Easy Steps For Creating A Great Working Space

I've never understood the mantra my Grandma used to repeat to me daily until I started working remotely. She always used to say "A messy (insert bedroom / desk etc) is a messy mind". Before I took the time to create a happy space for myself where I can roll up my sleeves and get down to business, it showed. I didn't feel as motivated, my couch turned into a space that wasn't just designated for 'Game of Thrones' marathons and it just wasn't working. I'm lucky enough to live in a two bedroom condo, so I carved out a spot in the spare room just for me. Here's a few tips on how I did it.  -

Mess = Stress 
The more crap you have laying around you the more likely you are to get stressed and distracted. You've already got enough on the go without having your overflowing laundry hamper staring back at you. Find a place for all your things and make zen your priority. 

    Surround Yourself With Your Favourite Things 
    Customize your space to help motivate you. Create an environment that makes you think that for even just a moment, you might actually be Superwo(man). For you this could look like your favourite artists prints, a cute and v practical lamp, or a nice rug to keep your toes warm. 
      Appeal To Your Senses 
      think about adding a candle or a diffuser to your space. Experiment with different scents and find something that works for you. It's nice to also include different textures in your space, try adding a sheepskin to your chair or a soft rug. 
        When In Doubt Add A Plant 
        You can never go wrong with one more plant. Plants not only provide you with the perfect excuse to get up and stretch your legs to water them, they also show growth and they're guaranteed to make you feel good. 


          Or brain fuel, whatever you wanna call it. You've worked hard and you deserve it. My favourite go-to's recently have been stuffed medjool dates with peanut butter and Smart Pop popcorn.