How To Land In An Inbox Like A Pro

I've always dreamed of being able to do back flips etc and land them effortlessly like the gymnasts you see at the olympics but alas, the only trick I've learned to be able to use the phrase 'stick it' for has been landing in an inbox similar, to say, a gold medalist? I'm going to share with you a few tips I've learnt as a Lead PM at a Shopify Partner Agency.  

Why Are You Sending It 
Whether It's a business lead, a potential partnership, or a newsletter e-blast, It's good to know why you're sending this email. Your colleagues, clients, and customers are exchanging some valuable time to read what you have to say. Make sure you highlight this why in a well thought out subject line. 

    Get Personal 
    Be relatable in what you're sending. People are more inclined to click on things that they know is coming from *you* and not a quick copy and paste job that you've sent to nearly everyone but their mother. 
      Time Is Money 
      People are busy, and many take their time seriously. It's better to keep these things short and sweet so you can properly get your point across. 
        Give 'em A Little Somthin'
        Give them a little incentive for deciding to click on your email. Whether it's a link to an awesome playlist you've made, or a proposal to make this partnership benefit both of you, it's good to practice the wise old saying "you give and you take".