How To Write A To-Do List That Actually Works

I've always been a fan of the infamous to-do list. I used to strictly use the old fashioned method of good ol' pen and paper and was hooked on the satisfaction of crossing things off one by one. Since I've been a Project Manager however, I've had to adapt to a few different methods and really idolize my time management skills. Recently I've been finding myself using Evernote, Asana and Basecamp to organize the daily ramble that is occupying the space in my brain. Whichever tool or method you prefer, I have a good feeling that these tips can help you write a to-do list that actually works and has you checking off those boxes faster than you can get to your favourite happy hour spot. 

The Brain Dump 
Compile all the things that have been following you on past to-do lists and everything you know you have coming up in the near future. Write it all down. Ah, you can already start to feel that brain fog clear right? Great. 

    Now Sort Out Your Priorities 


    Image result for ron weasley she needs to sort out her priorities






    Now is the time to be realistic and honest with yourself. You're only human and can only accomplish so much (properly) in a day.

      Set up Your To-Do List Russian Doll Style 
      Break these tasks down into digestible bits and, I know you don't want to hear this, but put some of those tasks that have been following you right at the very top. I always find I start gaining positive momentum for the day when I tackle those big things that I've been dreading and then they're out of the way. 
        Evaluate Your Time Allocation 
        Do you have meetings you need to attend this week, lunches organized, or an office dog to take out for a wee? Make sure you've evaluated the time it takes to complete these tasks and you don't set yourself up for failure. Can you genuinely get these tasks done in the time you've allocated? Be kind to yourself and make sure you set yourself up for success. 
          Write your List The Day Before 
          It's quitting time, you've finally made it. *Game Show host voice* But wait there's more! If you can crack out your brain dump as it's fresh in your mind, you won't waste precious coffee sipping moments trying to recall the name of that client you're supposed to get back to, just trust me on this one, ok? I may or may not be speaking from experience here.